Spatial and green experiences in the Catalonian capital
Barcelona is no doubt the „cutting edge” in landscape architecture in Europe. It is a city where life quality is determined by ergonomic and anthropocentric design at all scales of open-spaces. The objects of everyday life, the Street furniture are not only functional and artistic, but of high standard, too; the streets and squares get new function and general design according to their
realistic role, the restoration and recreation of public parks follow clear design guidelines as well as a sustainable and environment-conscious approach. The renewal of the seaside area and its conscious fitting to the new residential district has transformed the cityscape and opened new dimensions to facilitate people's connection with water.
H. Rautenberg: Reconquering Barcelona, in: Topos/Barcelona in progress (29) 1999. pp. 6-13. The issue represents the urban development of the 90’s in Barcelona.
R. Aven, S. de Wit: The enclosed Garden: History and development of the Hortus Conclusus and its Reintroduction into the Present-da Urban Landscape, 010 Publishers, 1999. p. 55.
C. Dee: Form and fabric in Landscape Architecture, Spon Press, 2001. p. 118.
Appleton: The Experience of Landscape, John Wiley and Sons, 1975.
W. H. White: The social life of small urban spaces, The conservation Foundation, 1980.
Marti Franch: Spain, in: European Landscape architecture - Best Practice in Detail (szerk.: I.H. Thompson, T. Dam, J.B. Nielson) Routledge, 2007. pp. 183-213.
A network of Triangles, Topos (29) 1999. pp. 24-30.
Jámbor I.: Kortárs kertépítészet - Geometrikus formálásé kertek, 4D - Tájépítészeti és kertművészeti folyóirat © 2007. pp. 5-15.
A tervezőiroda honlapja: http://www.
Teresedés faágakkal/ Az emberöltőgyermekkorának ág-játszótere/ Taulatutca / Tó-kapu/ Varázshegy/ Tó / Pláza, forrás:
E. Miralles, B. Tagliabue: A park like a tree, Topos (29) 1999. pp. 50-54.
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