Environmental education in a castle park Füzérradvány


  • Zsuzsanna Mikházi Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Landscape Planning and Regional Development




Füzérradvány, environmental education, castle park


Today castles and their gardens are utilized primarily by tourism. However, their use can alsó serve educational purposes as open-air schools. Since environmental education focuses on the relationship and interaction between people and their environment, castles could well serve as perfect places of education and research on humán s shaping of the landscape. Nevertheless, what educational possibilities do castles and their gardens have in store? First of all, they have to suit the educational aims and requirements inherent in the cultural fields defined by the National Curriculum. On the hasis of these conditions the possibilities of the open-air schools have to be revealed to show how a castle and its garden meet the object of the project and how it can assist in the achievement of the educational aim. The poster demonstrates a possible environmental education project involving the garden of the Füzérradvány castle.

Author Biography

  • Zsuzsanna Mikházi, Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Landscape Planning and Regional Development

    landscape architect
    assistant lecturer

    E-mail: zsuzsanna.mikhazi@uni-corvinus.hu


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http://www.civertan.hu/legifoto/ legifoto.php?page_level=188






How to Cite

Environmental education in a castle park Füzérradvány. (2008). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 12, 46-52. https://doi.org/10.36249/4d.12.6056

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