Thoughts on Landscape, The Specificities of Hungarian Landscape Perception and Their Cultural-Historical Reasons
landscape, interpretation of landscape, Great Hungarian Plain, BalatonAbstract
The article explores the complexity and contradictions of the concept of landscape, with a focus on the specificities of Hungarian landscape interpretation and their cultural-historical background. It demonstrates that the concept of landscape exists in multiple disciplines (geography, aesthetics, ecology), each interpreting it differently. The challenges of scientifically defining the landscape are discussed, highlighting that the landscape is both a material and symbolic phenomenon, a product of human thought and culture. The article provides a detailed analysis of the development of Hungarian landscape interpretations in the 18th and 19th centuries, particularly through the examples of the discoveries of Lake Balaton and the Great Hungarian Plain (Alföld), and examines how political, social, and cultural factors shaped these interpretations. The historical evolution of the concept of landscape helps to understand contemporary difficulties in landscape architecture and the changing meaning of naturalness.
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