Interpretation of the visual perception of landscape change by a questionnaire survey using 2D Google Earth images


  • Ágnes Tirászi Institute of Forest Resource Management and Rural Development, Chair of Landscape Science, University of Sopron
  • Éva Konkoly-Gyuró Resource Management and Rural Development, Chair of Landscape Science, University of Sopron



visual perception, landscape change, questionnaire survey, 2D, google earth


Changes in land use and land cover are predominantly driven by economic processes affected by European policies. A method for assessing the impact of these changes on sustainability was developed in the SENSOR project funded by the 6th EU Research Framework Program. The digital model which was developed, called "SIAT" (Sustainability Impact Assessment Tool), is a decision support tool that presents the consequences of various future land use scenarios by indicators, showing their compliance with the sustainability criteria. In the project, the landscape research team of the University of Sopron developed land use sensitive landscape indicators that were used in the SIAT. Two indicators that measure the continuity of land cover and the visual attractiveness were presented in a past edition of this journal.


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How to Cite

Interpretation of the visual perception of landscape change by a questionnaire survey using 2D Google Earth images. (2018). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 49, 42-59.

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