Early Childhood Language Development in Europe and in Hungary.


  • Arianna Kitzinger Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem, Benedek Elek Pedagógiai Kar


The study wishes to examine early childhood language development from a practical point of view based on the experience of Benedek Elek Faculty of Education at the University of West Hungary, Sopron, where a pioneering programme entitled English in the Kindergarten was launched in the academic year 2006/07. It focuses on different parts of the project: its role in teacher training, and also the hardship at the beginning and in everyday practice. It gives an account of the new school subjects and the running kindergarten programmes.
All this is embedded in a modern European background with Scandinavian and Mediterranean examples. The study also gives a short review of European Union and the languages. It compares the practice of Hungarian and European language acquisition in early childhood.


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Review: S®th anniversary off higher education kindergarten teacher training in Hungary

How to Cite

Early Childhood Language Development in Europe and in Hungary. (2010). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(1), 91-98. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/trainingandpractice/article/view/5342