German Ethnic Minority Kindergarten-Teacher Training in Sopron


  • Zsófia Babai Nyugat-magyarországi Egyetem, Benedek Elek Pedagógiai Kar


The German ethnic minority kindergarten-teacher training in Sopron is a dominant training in the whole region with a long time history. The goal of my study is to introduce German ethnic minority kindergarten-teacher training in Sopron. In the study first I briefly present the historical background of the training. Then I focus on the thematic fields of the training, such as the subjects taught, the goals of the training and the prerequisites of getting a degree. In the third part I touch upon the specialities of practical training in Sopron, with an emphasis on the internship abroad. As foreign relations of the faculty are mostly connected with the ethnic minority training, it must be discussed, too. Among the foreign relations the most notable ones are the Erasmus grants to Austria. The new relationship with Switzerland is also promising. The number of students, due to the positive parameters of the training in Sopron, is continuously increasing. In the last two parts information about personal and material conditions can be read.


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Review: S®th anniversary off higher education kindergarten teacher training in Hungary

How to Cite

German Ethnic Minority Kindergarten-Teacher Training in Sopron. (2010). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 8(1), 79-85.