Arts and Personality


  • Tibor Gáspárdy NYME Benedek Elek Pedagógiai Kar


In my study I would like to give a short overview on the nature of the relationship among culture and economy, culture and visual arts, mankind and visual arts in the European cultural history. Taking into consideration that the material world perceived by our senses and the virtual world that cannot be ignored in our days are both accessible using our eyes, the second half of the study deals with the high importance and problems of teaching visual arts. In my opinion, furthering our relationship with visual arts, let it happen in a direct or an indirect way, would mean major increase in the level of the quality of life at a low cost. My goal is to justify my statements and hypotheses regarding the questions above with the help of surveys at the University of West Hungary and at the University of Technology and Economics, Budapest.


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How to Cite

Arts and Personality. (2011). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 9(1-2), 163-171.