Study of the impact of „Mesezene” method in the light of phonological awareness


  • Vivien Egresi Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar
  • Judit Jankó Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar



The purpose of the research is to present the impact of „Mesezene” reading preparation program’s preschool module about the development of phonological awareness of 5-6 yearold children. We studied two groups of children: one received the program for a year, while the other one was an age-matched control group. Phonological awareness is the conscious access to the internal structure of words and the ability to split words into units of different sizes (Jordanidisz 2009). Our results show that the children of the test group reached a higher level of development in some part of the phonological awareness compared to the control group.

Author Biographies

  • Vivien Egresi, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar

  • Judit Jankó, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem Bárczi Gusztáv Gyógypedagógiai Kar


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How to Cite

Study of the impact of „Mesezene” method in the light of phonological awareness. (2019). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 17(2), 177-188.