Main steps of the German institutionalization process in teacher training


  • Krisztina Kovács SZTE JGYPK Alkalmazott Pedagógiai Intézet



In Central Europe professions connected to training have become institutionalized based on German examples. In order to systematically explore the process of professionalization of Hungarian folk school teachers in the age of dualism, it is essential to analyse the main institutional historical influences coming from German teacher education. The present study presents the national peculiarities of the institutionalization process of German teacher education. The first part analyses the development of German folk education, the second part examines the processes of the development of the institutional system of teacher education in Germany from the emergence of the first private institutions in the 17th century to the establishment of National Socialism in the 20th century.

Author Biography

  • Krisztina Kovács, SZTE JGYPK Alkalmazott Pedagógiai Intézet

    Dr. PhD, college professor


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How to Cite

Main steps of the German institutionalization process in teacher training. (2020). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 18(3-4), 60-68.