Some characteristics of DNA and tropanoid pattern in Datura stramonium and Datura arborea


  • Zsuzsa Tóvölgyi University of Pécs Medical School Faculty of Pharmacy, 7624 Pécs Szigeti út 12.
  • László Gy. Szabó University of Pécs Institute Biology Department of Botany, 7624 Pécs Ifjúság útja 6.
  • Szilvia Stranczinger University of Pécs Institute Biology Department of Botany, 7624 Pécs Ifjúság útja 6.



Datura stramonium, Datura arborea, atropine, poisoning, thin layer chromatography, PCR, enzyme


The investigations covered two species Datura stramonium and Datura arborea. In recent years paralell to increasing drug consumption in Hungary, besides using classical drugs alternative substances are becoming wide-spread. The latter category includes also Datura species, which are hallucinogens due to their alkaloide content. The amount of alkaloids was compared with thin layer chromatography in the two species. Recognising an atropine posoning is often difficult in routine medical practice. Molecular methods were used to determine and distinguish poisonings caused by Datura stramonium and D. arborea. The first step was DNA isolation from the samples then ITS4-ITS5 region was amplified. Afterwards sequence level differences were established with aligning sequences and finally enzymes were specified. The distinction was succesful both with chromatographic and molecular methods. The results serve as a basis for further studies.


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How to Cite

Some characteristics of DNA and tropanoid pattern in Datura stramonium and Datura arborea. (2005). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY, 3(2), 275-280.