The beginning of nature conservation history concerning the designation of protected areas
nature conservation, history, world, protected areas, First World WarAbstract
The history of nature conservation of the world provides us numerous lessons for handling nature conservation areas in the present, dramatically fast changing world. The official beginning of nature conservation is 1872 when Yellowstone National Park was established. At the beginning, especially in the 20th century, the designation of the natural areas happened slowly but increasing number of countries joined and founded protected areas. In the present we wish to continue our previous article, introducing the foundation of protected lands from the beginning of the year before the First World War until The Great Depression. Examined data refers to the protected lands included in IUCN database and categorized by the IUCN categories.
Centeri Cs., Gyulai F. 2006: A világ természetvédelmének történelmi kezdetei a védett területek kialakítására vonatkozóan. Tájökológiai Lapok 4: 427–432.
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