The value of agricultural crops as an ecosystem service: calculation methodology connected to a hydrological model


  • Zsolt Kozma Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Műegyetem rakpart 3. Budapest, Hungary H-1111
  • Zsófia Derts Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Műegyetem rakpart 3. Budapest, Hungary H-1111
  • Máté Kardos Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Műegyetem rakpart 3. Budapest, Hungary H-1111
  • László Koncsos Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Műegyetem rakpart 3. Budapest, Hungary H-1111



ecosystem services, , agricultural yield estimation, integrated hydrological modeling, land use, WateRisk


Due to its specific hydrologic/hydro-geologic situation, Hungary is risked by extremities in water resources aggravated by direct and indirect anthropogenic effects and climate change. The mitigation of these risks could only be feasible by means of landscape scale planning. Latter would be advanced by comparing the natural capital of the possible land use scenarios. A fundamental aim of an R&D project (WateRisk) finished in 2011 was to elaborate a tool for these kinds of studies. A complex decision support system (DSS) was developed during the three year long project. A key element of the DSS is the environmental-economic module, which is able to estimate the profit of agricultural crops. The main topic of this article is the presentation of this calculation methodology.

Author Biography

  • Zsófia Derts, Budapest University of Technology and Economics Dept. of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, Műegyetem rakpart 3. Budapest, Hungary H-1111

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

The value of agricultural crops as an ecosystem service: calculation methodology connected to a hydrological model. (2012). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 10(1), 55-69.

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