Greenhouse gas emissions of population and opportunities of neutralise
amounts of energy used, greenhouse gas emissions, conversion of forest areaAbstract
Due to globalization of environmental problems it becomes increasingly topical to quantify environmental impacts from household consumption. From the different methods available I have chosen the calculation of GHG (greenhouse gas) emissions, wich is based on lifestyle connected population activities derived from fossil resources. I have relied on the three lifestyle connected activities involving the highest energy consumption: electricity consumption, transport and heating. Based on the above strategy the national average and the average per capita of seven plain towns were calculated. In order to be able to interpret the results, first the resulting values were compared to the GHG national inventories. For further clarification I converted them (the results) into area based data: comparing them to the absorbing capacity of the Hungarian forests. I have also examined the ratio of greenhouse gases and of the energy used by the chosen lifestyle connected activities. The results shed light on the extent of pollution deriving from energy requiring human activities. The personal responsibility of the general public aware of environmental issues and consumer responsibility are not at all negligible.
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