First year’s experiences of the introduction of the cap greening regulations in Békés County (Hungary)


  • Attila Rákóczi Szent István University, Institute of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development 5540–Szarvas, Szabadság. u. 1-3.



common agricultural policy, cross compliance, greening, ecological focus area


The 2014–2020 budgetary period of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union has brought considerable changes in the subsidy condition system. One of the main changes is the introduction of greening regulations. The essence of greening is to increase biodiversity in the agro-ecosystems, in favor of which it introduces various components. The new regulation package has been mandatory for farmers since 2015. In the course of the research we analyzed the experiences of the first year in Békés County (SE-Hungary) based on data of the Agricultural and Rural Development Agency. According to the results it can be stated that farmers as well as agricultural regulatory agencies should have paid considerable attention to the new measurements. Few rejections occurred related to the greening requests in Békés County, while partial fulfillment was observed in a larger ratio. The majority of farmers fulfilled the regulations, however it should be noted that most of them were basically exempted from mandatory compliance.

Author Biography

  • Attila Rákóczi, Szent István University, Institute of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development 5540–Szarvas, Szabadság. u. 1-3.


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How to Cite

First year’s experiences of the introduction of the cap greening regulations in Békés County (Hungary). (2017). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 15(1), 59-66.

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