Assessment methodology of green infrastructure - the case of Keszthely town


  • Vera Iváncsics Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Dept, of Landscape Planning and Regional Development 1118-Budapest, Villányi út 35-43.
  • Krisztina Filepné Kovács Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Dept, of Landscape Planning and Regional Development 1118-Budapest, Villányi út 35-43.



GI, green infrastructure, Keszthely, alley assessment, methodology, ecosystem services


The concept of green infrastructure (GI) has become increasingly important in Europe, also in Hungary. GI is a unique, extremely complex interpretation of the green space system. In our study we describe the specific features of GI and show assessment possibilities in the case of Keszthely town, in Hungary. The survey for Keszthely’s GI was made in 2016. We have established a new measurement method for certain green infrastructure elements. The aspects of ecological quality, aesthetics, ecosystem services and practicability were evaluated on a scale ranging from 1-3 and 1-5 with the help of field surveys and indicators. For the evaluation of ecological services, we used six categories, according to the literature to be understandable for civil actors and to facilitate the common work. Along the methodology the condition of the green infrastructure was evaluated at Keszthely’s in-built area. The article discusses the applied methodology and the results. The proposed methodology can be successfully applied for other settlements in Hungary.

Author Biography

  • Vera Iváncsics, Szent István University, Faculty of Landscape Architecture, Dept, of Landscape Planning and Regional Development 1118-Budapest, Villányi út 35-43.

    corresponding author


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How to Cite

Assessment methodology of green infrastructure - the case of Keszthely town. (2019). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK , 17(2), 193-208.

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