Possibilities of complexly applying traditional habitat mapping and remote sensing on the natural wet habitats along the Ipoly River


  • Ildikó Járdi Szent István University, Institute of Biology, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. str. 1. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1560-7863
  • Eszter S.-Falusi Szent István University, Institute of Biology, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. str. 1.
  • Gergely Pápay Szent István University, Institute of Conservation of Natural Resources, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. str. 1.
  • Károly Penksza Szent István University, Institute of Biology, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. str. 1.




wetlands, NDVI, Sentinel-2A, ÁNÉR


This survey presents the habitat maps of the areas along the Ipoly River at Dejtár, which are good examples of landscape management types (e.g. mowing and pasturing) that are considering the sustainable use of natural habitats as much as possible. This area is one of the most complex regions, which makes it suitable for showing and generalizing the changes. The following research questions were formulated: Is there a correlation between pixel data of Sentinel 2 pictures and the habitat maps made on the field? What are the similarities and differences? Are there interdependences between normalized vegetation indices (NDVI) and mapped categories? The category system of habitat patches derives from the ÁNÉR codes, the map was made using QGIS. NDVI values show the biological activity of the vegetation: higher chlorophyll reflects a higher value. In the case of no vegetational activity, NDVI values would be negative, such as water habitats in early vegetational stages. Using this system, natural habitats can be differentiated from urban areas and water bodies. There are also differences between grasslands and woody vegetation. Patches of traditional habitat mapping and remote sensing showed correlations, they could be used as control. Further differences can be detected between some patches, which can give more information about land use, such as foraging.

Author Biographies

  • Ildikó Járdi, Szent István University, Institute of Biology, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. str. 1.

    corresponding author

  • Eszter S.-Falusi, Szent István University, Institute of Biology, 2100 Gödöllő, Páter K. str. 1.

    This survey presents the habitat maps of the areas along the Ipoly River at Dejtár, which are good examples of landscape management types (e.g. mowing and pasturing) that are considering the sustainable use of natural habitats as much as possible. This area is one of the most complex regions, which makes it suitable for showing and generalizing the changes. The following research questions were formulated: Is there a correlation between pixel data of Sentinel 2 pictures and the habitat maps made on the field? What are the similarities and differences? Are there interdependences between normalized vegetation indices (NDVI) and mapped categories? The category system of habitat patches derives from the ÁNÉR codes, the map was made using QGIS. NDVI values show the biological activity of the vegetation: higher chlorophyll reflects a higher value. In the case of no vegetational activity, NDVI values would be negative, such as water habitats in early vegetational stages. Using this system, natural habitats can be differentiated from urban areas and water bodies. There are also differences between grasslands and woody vegetation. Patches of traditional habitat mapping and remote sensing showed correlations, they could be used as control. Further differences can be detected between some patches, which can give more information about land use, such as foraging.


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How to Cite

Possibilities of complexly applying traditional habitat mapping and remote sensing on the natural wet habitats along the Ipoly River. (2020). JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY | TÁJÖKOLÓGIAI LAPOK , 18(2), 141-146. https://doi.org/10.56617/tl.3491

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