The Regional Distribution and Demographic Impacts of the Housing Allowance Program of the Vojvodina Economic Development Program


  • Bálint Juhász Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences



demographic trends, home creation, family support, economic development, Vojvodina


The relationship between demographic trends and economic performance has long been a central topic of scientific research. Population changes are determined by the number of births, deaths, and migration. In most developed countries, the birth rate has significantly decreased in recent decades. The population of Vojvodina and its neighboring countries, including Hungary, has been steadily declining in recent decades. This trend is consistent with demographic processes in developed countries worldwide. The aim of the Vojvodina Economic Development Program is providing subsidies to ensure people’s thriving in their homeland, with one of its key elements being home creation allowances linked to economic goals. The study examines the interconnections between demographic data and family support subsidies in Vojvodina, comparing it with population statistics from Hungary, its neighboring countries as well as several other European states. In addition to demographic analyses based on both domestic and international literature, the study briefly reviews the family and home creation allowance systems of Hungary and the Visegrád countries, with a particular focus on measures aimed at retaining population and improving families' housing conditions. The study explores the significance of such grants in terms of improving the demographic situation of communities in the examined areas.

Author Biography

  • Bálint Juhász, Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Doctoral School of Economic and Regional Sciences

    PhD student


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How to Cite

Juhász, B. (2024). The Regional Distribution and Demographic Impacts of the Housing Allowance Program of the Vojvodina Economic Development Program. Studia Mundi – Economica, 11(4), 77-94.

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