Direct taxes in Slovakia and their impact on economy of companies operating in agriculture and food producing industry
Corporate Income Tax, Local Taxes, Financial Statements, Business EntitiesAbsztrakt
Nowadays are Taxes a Key Amount of Income of each Country’s Budget. Taxes are compulsory Payments determined by State, which Taxpayers have to pay according to predetermined Conditions. Article is focused on the Impact of Taxes on Legal entities, which are Companies operating in Agriculture and Food Producing Industry. Defined Goal of the Paper is to assess the Impact of selected direct Taxes on Economy of these Companies. The Companies have selected according to specified Criteria. We assess Initial Data gathered directly from assessed Companies during the Examination of selected matter. Primary Source of Data are Financial Statements and Tax Returns of selected Companies. We assess Period of 2008-2012. The Analysis is based on the given Terms by the Law for settling of the assessed Taxes. The Attention is also paid to Other Economic Indicators, which are reported in the Income Statement in the Slovak Republic.
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