The middle-income trap


  • György Csáki Szent István Egyetem, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences



development, middle-income trap


The spectacular development of some emerging economies in East-Asia, including that of China, drew the general attention to the possibilities and difficulties to overcome underdevelopment. Two new narratives emerged in recent years for the explanation of successes and failures: the middle-income trap as a possible explication of difficulties and the developmental state as a variety of capitalism that may lead to success. In this paper we try to introduce the different concepts about the nature and characteristics of the middle-income trap and to elaborate how the developmental state can serve to escape the middle-income trap.

Információk a szerzőről

  • György Csáki, Szent István Egyetem, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences



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Hogyan kell idézni

Csáki, G. (2019). The middle-income trap. Studia Mundi – Economica, 6(3), 82-93.

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