Az Amega Up herbicid és a Mavrik 24 EW inszekticid korai teratogén hatása házityúk-embriókon
glyphosate, tau-fluvalinate, chicken embryo, interaction, ecotoxicologyAbstract
The aim of this study was to determine the individual and combined toxic effects of Amega Up glyphosate containing herbicide (360 g/l) and Mavrik 24 EW tau-fluvalinate containing insecticide (240 g/l) on the early embryonic development of chicken embryos. The chicken eggs were dipped in the emulsions of the test materials for 30 minutes before starting incubation. The applied concentration of herbicide was 4% and that of the insecticide was 0.05%. Permanent preparations were made from embryos by staining with osmium tetroxide on Day 3 of incubation in order to study the early stage of development. The embryonic mortality and the rate of developmental anomalies were not influenced by the single treatment of test materials. The combined treatment with Amega Up herbicide and Mavrik 24 EW insecticide resulted in enhanced embryo toxicity, since the rate of embryonic mortality and the rate of developmental anomalies found in the combination treatment group was significantly higher than that obtained in the control group. There were presumably additive toxic interaction between Amega Up and Mavrik 24 EW.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Major László, Budai Péter, Szemerédy Géza, Kormos Éva, Lehel József, Szabó Rita

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