A Movento és a Topas 100 EC növényvédő szerek korai interakciós toxicitási vizsgálata fácánembriókon
spirotetramat, penconazole, interaction, ecotoxicology, pheasant embryoAbstract
The aim of this study was to determine the individual and combined toxic effects of Movento, spirotetramat containing insecticide (100 g/l) and Topas 100 EC penconazole containing fungicide (100 g/l) on the early embryonic development of pheasant embryos. The applied concentration of insecticide was 0.75% and that of the fungicide was 0.166%. Emulsions of the test materials were injected in 0.1 ml volume into the air chamber of the pheasant eggs before starting the incubation. On day 3 of incubation in order to study the early stage of development germinal disc was prepared. The embryo mortality and the abnormalities were analysed with Fisher test.
The embryonic mortality and the rate of developmental anomalies were not influenced by the single treatment of test materials. The combined treatment with Movento insecticide and Topas 100 EC fungicide resulted in enhanced embryo toxicity, since the rate of embryonic mortality found in the combination treatment group was significantly (p<0.05) higher than that obtained in the control group. Developmental abnormalities were sporadic in the treated groups. The individual and the combined toxic effects of Movento and Topas 100 EC were embryotoxic, however, teratogenic changes were not detected in pheasant embryo. In the interaction, the toxicity of the insecticide was more pronounced.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Major László, Budai Péter, Lehel József, Szabó Rita

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