Legislative aspects of agricultural land use and soil contamination



soil contamination, soil protection, land use policy, soil conservation programmes, agricultural law


This paper analyses the institutional soil protection system regards the links of land use and soil contamination. The area chosen as an example is the disposal and utilization of sewage sludge, which is a growing task for today and for the future. Protection of soil requires the evaluation and rethinking of the effectiveness and efficiency of soil conservation policies in agriculture. There is a little understanding of how policy measures should be designed to encourage farmers to adopt soil conservation practices. We would like to contribute to these objectives with our research by integrating the relevant EU and Hungarian regulations into a transparent system. To improve and clarify the agro-environmental regulation this dissertation tries to formulate general aspects for the development of soil protection regulations based on the research.


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How to Cite

Stankovics, P., Kovács, B., & Tóth , Z. (2020). Legislative aspects of agricultural land use and soil contamination. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 24(4), 88-102. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/gfa/article/view/6220

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