Track and trace methods applied by logistics service providers in Zala County
ICT, logistics service providers, Track and Trace, Zala CountyAbstract
Material flow is a key element of logistics processes. During the flow of materials, the position of raw materials, parts, semi-finished products and products are changed. It travels different lengths of time during the movement of goods over a variable period of time. During production, it is very important to have the right elements at the right place at the right time and to be immediately informed of any changes at that location. Similarly, it is a basic requirement today that during long distance transportation, especially when the goods stop in one place, because of waiting for the right vehicle, the user will be informed about the status of his goods. The previous technical possibilities provided only limited possibilities for tracking the goods, but in today's conditions it is possible to tell exactly where the goods are. In Zala County, companies and related logistics providers have developed methods for tracking goods according to local needs. In this article we introduce logistics services and investigate the tracking methods used by service companies and by contacting service companies in Zala County and using the available databases.
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