Gene Conservation in the Berry and Pear Gene Banks of the Fertőd Research Station of MATE


  • Jenő Varga MATE Gyümölcstermesztési Kutatóközpont, Fertőd
  • Ágnes Kollányi MATE Gyümölcstermesztési Kutatóközpont, Fertőd
  • Gábor Kollányi MATE Gyümölcstermesztési Kutatóközpont, Fertőd
  • Csilla Gombkötő MATE Gyümölcstermesztési Kutatóközpont, Fertőd


gene bank, berries, pear, collection, Fertöd Research station


Our gene bank collections can be traced back to a serious professional history, research and cooperation between countries. Collections, reproductions, and the maintenance of the genetic stock are necessary in order to save the species, which are sometimes on the verge of extinction. This activity is carried out by MATE institutes, the Újfehértó research station of the University of Debrecen, private collectors and representatives of Tündérkert. In research institutes, genebanks are national collections, which, according to the law, the maintaining institution is obliged to preserve the varieties, describe the items, and ensure accessibility for users. Preservation of the genetic basis does not only mean the maintenance of breeds, in many cases they can also provide excellent parentage for breeding by using some favorable traits. The selection of varieties is abundant, many new, better varieties are introduced into cultivation, which in turn leads to the displacement of others. These varieties must be protected so that they are available for future generations. We keep our collections clean with continuous maintenance work, propagate them and plant them in new places. Descriptive studies refer to generative and vegetative properties, we observe phenological data from year to year, we record cultivar marks according to the aspects found in the Upov descriptive list.

Author Biography

  • Jenő Varga, MATE Gyümölcstermesztési Kutatóközpont, Fertőd



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How to Cite

Varga, J., Kollányi, Ágnes, Kollányi, G., & Gombkötő, C. (2024). Gene Conservation in the Berry and Pear Gene Banks of the Fertőd Research Station of MATE. GEORGIKON FOR AGRICULTURE, 28(Suppl. 2), 179-184.

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