A Vadkárkalkulátor alkalmazásának gyakorlati tapasztalatai
Wildlife Damage Calculator, big game, wildlife damage, corn, wildlife damage assessmentAbstract
In the course of our investigations, we used the Wildlife Damage Calculator to estimate wildlife damage in the Szénásvölgypuszta. We examined 20 sample areas on the nearly 120-hectare corn field, analyed the collected data using the Wildlife Damage Calculator, and revealed the questions that arose during use with the help of an interview. The program can be used in many cases, and although it does not replace expert knowledge, in basic cases it can be used well.
Festetics L. 1870. A herczeg Eszterházy család fővadászatai Ozorán. Pest 34.
Országos Vadgazdálkodási Adattár http://www.ova.info.hu/tajegyseg_terv/505_VGTT-20220411.pdf 2022.10.10.
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