A preliminary study in modelling evapotranspiration of common reed stands in the Kis-Balaton wetland
wetland, common reed, evapotranspiration, Bowen-ratioAbstract
During the examination of the water balance of Kis-Balaton wetland, the direct measurement and determination of evaporation and evapotranspiration is difficult. Evapotranspiration – as outcome parameter - is essential for the operation of the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System [KBVR]. The evapotranspiration of the common reed (Phragmites australis), which plays a decisive role in ecosystems of KBVR marshes is a significant factor due to the fact that the area of reed canopies exceeds 2,000 hectares. The actual evapotranspiration from the heat balance and the Bowen ratio can be modelled indirectly by using microclimate measurements. Modelling can be performed with resistances expressed by meteorological parameters, whose values are temporally variable. Examinations in a reed canopy of Ingói-berek was carried out with a Bowen mast from July to August 2019. The following meteorological parameters were measured every 10 minutes: surface water temperature, air temperature and air humidity in the canopy, air temperature and humidity and wind speed at two levels above the canopy. Our measurements were supplemented weekly with canopy heights and leaf surface measurements (LAI), which are important model inputs. Hourly and daily evapotranspiration data were counted from the 10-minute microclimate probes. Our goal was to examine how Bowen-ratio modelling can be used to estimate reed evapotranspiration.
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