Methods of the precedence and the abatement of heat stress in dairy cattle housing – A review
Part 2. The abatement of the negative effects of heat stress by using housing methods
heat stress, dairy cow, housing systems, natural and mechanical ventilation, evaporative cooling systemsAbstract
Long-term heat stress can reduce health and animal welfare in dairy cattle herds. Hot summer days with high ambient temperature can negatively affect the well-being and the production of the animals. However, it can be ameliorated by applying housing methods. Based on recent and current research next to the adequate orientation and design of naturally ventilated barns, the shading technique, using correctly setting and sizing fans as well as expert evaporative cooling systems are the most powerful technological methods for preventing heat stress. Based on home and foreign studies and advisements of housing management in the second part of this review the methods of the precedence and the abatement of the negative effects of heat stress are presented.
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