Inflammation of the middle ear in turtles


  • Máté Panker Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal Állategészségügyi és Állatvédelmi Igazgatóság


auditory canal, middle ear, inflammation, turtle


This is an article about an investigation of otitis occurrence in turtles at private practice, which partly specialized for exotic animals. During the 2 years of this study, lesions were detected in 5 animals, 3 to 10 years old females, which was bilateral in all cases. One sided feeding and suddenly occurring unfavourable environmental conditions from inadequate housing systems cause weakened immunity and finally may cause number of irreversible deficit disease.

Author Biography

  • Máté Panker, Nemzeti Élelmiszerlánc-biztonsági Hivatal Állategészségügyi és Állatvédelmi Igazgatóság


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How to Cite

Panker, M. (2025). Inflammation of the middle ear in turtles. Animal Welfare, Ethology and Housing Systems (AWETH), 9(1), 50-53.

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