The use of cost-benefit analysis in the selection of alternative milking technologies in the dairy sector
dairy, robot-milking technology, cost-benefit analysisAbstract
As a result of the development of the past decades, the robotization process appeared in the agricultural production, even in the livestock sector. The need for robotization will generate serious debates among the professionals in the future. Using robotic technology will cause a significant decrease in the employment level of the agricultural production, which is in contradiction with the general political objectives. Nevertheless, we should not ignore the tendencies of the Western European countries, because for example, according to the survey of Birthe Lassen (between 2006 and 2011) made for the European Dairy Farmers, both the number of farms and cows, where robot-milking technology is used have been tripled. Thus, we should find the answer for the question, whether the robot-milking technology can be viable in Hungary, or not.
In Józsefmajor Experimental and Demonstration Farm this new technology has been introduced, by installing a DeLaval VMS voluntary milking system and the connected herd management and milking technology. The former automatic herringbone milking parlor with 2*5 stands was replaced by the new devices. In our paper, we introduce the economic and organizational factors, which may determine the successful (or unsuccessful) operation of the new technology, based on our experiences and the results of the cost-benefit analysis.
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Copyright (c) 2014 Kovács Attila, Dunay Anna, Lencsés Enikő, Daróczi Miklós

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