Evaluation of the pedigree data of the Hungarian Haflinger population
generation interval, inbreeding, pedigree completenessAbstract
Estimating genetic variability and gene flow within a given population is essential before developing the selection program of the breed. Factors which might have a significant impact on the population structure and demographic composition could be revealed in this way. In our study, the local Haflinger population – individuals imported to Hungary up to 2023 and registered at the breeding organization, as well as their offspring that were classified as breeding animals – was characterized by evaluating the pedigree completeness, generation interval, genetic variability, the contribution of the most important ancestors, average relatedness and inbreeding level. The pedigree data was supplied by the Association of Pony and Small Horse Breeders’. Pedigree data of the registered population was analysed using Endog and GRain softwares. In the reference population, the maximum number of known generations exceeded 26 generations. The longest generation interval (9.09 years) was calculated for the mare-to-daughter lineage. The average relatedness of the total population was 11.57%, while it was 14.33% for the reference population. The inbreeding coefficient of the active Haflinger population in 2023 was 9.56%.
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