Feed efficiency traits in Blonde d’Aquitaine breeding heard


  • Fanni Fajt Török János Reformed Educational Centre - Secondary School, Technical and Vocational School, 2700 Cegléd, Széchenyi út 16.
  • Vivien Dorina Szalontai Török János Reformed Educational Centre - Secondary School, Technical and Vocational School, 2700 Cegléd, Széchenyi út 16.
  • Zsuzsanna Hegedűs Török János Reformed Educational Centre - Secondary School, Technical and Vocational School, 2700 Cegléd, Széchenyi út 16.




profitability, fattening ability, performance testing on farm, breeding bull


The aim of the work was to demonstrate the role of proper breeding stock production in fattening and slaughter production and the role of performance testing on farm in profitability in a Blonde d'Aquitaine herd. Four breeding bull candidates were recruited for the on-farm performance study. Of the four, one bull calf was from a heifer calf. The animals were fed meadow hay ad libitum. In addition to meadow hay, the animals were fed nutritive mixes (7-7.5 kg/animal). The composition of this feed was 46% maize, 22% barley, 14% triticale, 12% soya, 4% premix, 1.5% baking soda, 0.5% brewer's yeast. The bulls tested produced the expected results during the test. An average gain of over 1800 g/day is a good result, in line with the performance of the breed. The four bulls were all moved to beef production herds after certification. 


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How to Cite

Feed efficiency traits in Blonde d’Aquitaine breeding heard. (2024). Animal Welfare, Ethology and Housing Systems (AWETH), 20(1), 38-44. https://doi.org/10.17205/aweth.5902