The healing truth

William Kentridge & Handspring Puppet Company’s performance of Ubu and the Truth Commission


  • Zsófia Szabó MATE KC, Rippl-Rónai Művészeti Intézet, e-mail:



William Kentridge, puppet, animation, Ubu, Truth and Reconciliation Commission, forgiveness


Internationally renowned South African artist William Kentridge is known for his extraordinary versatility, working in animation, sculpture, scenography, filmmaking and more. Since the early 1990s, he has collaborated on several productions with the Handspring Puppet Company, famous for their unique puppets. Their performance Ubu and the Truth Commission was created in 1997 as a reflection on the political situation after the first free elections in South Africa, and it aimed to examine the activities of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The TRC was established as an institution for the painful but necessary uncovering of the past, to listen to the victims and perpetrators of apartheid. The theatrical performance paralleled Alfred Jarry’s Ubu story with the crimes of apartheid, making the issue of punishment and/or forgiveness of crimes its central theme. Both the social performance and the dramaturgic adaptation of the South African past are closely linked to the concept of rite, and this paper draws attention to these relations.


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How to Cite

The healing truth: William Kentridge & Handspring Puppet Company’s performance of Ubu and the Truth Commission. (2024). ARTCADIA, 3(1), 47-60.