Analysis of the sustainable agriculture and environmental management of the Visegrád Group


  • Bianka Bartl Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Georgikon Campus
  • Petra Stankovics Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Georgikon Campus
  • Gábor Soós Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Georgikon Campus
  • Brigitta Simon Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences Georgikon Campus



NECP, LULUCF, environment policy, emissions trading scheme (ETS)


In our study, we analyze the commitments of the Visegrad Four National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) for the period 2021-2030 within the European Union environment policy, with special regard to the Land Use, LandUse Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector. Based on our research, it can be said that the willingness of countries to contribute to the achievement of EU goals has low or modest ambition. Within the framework of the NECP, there are significant differences between the Visegrad Four's implementation plans for LULUCF. In connection with forest management, the emphasis in the Czech Republic for the next few years will be on afforestation, while in the case of Hungary, increasing logging production will be emphasized. In addition, Slovakia has presented a plan of an outstanding amount for draft carbon sequestration by forest. In the case of Poland, a mandatory carbon sequestration rate was provided in the forest management plan.


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Environment Protection

How to Cite

Analysis of the sustainable agriculture and environmental management of the Visegrád Group. (2021). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 25(1), 61-78.