Leader’s opinion about the connecting points Agriculture and Tourism within catering trade


  • Zoran Brljak
  • Zsolt Kőmüves Szent István University Kaposvár Campus
  • Salma Stella Vig




management, agriculture, tourism, catering trade, local product


After the change of regime, Hungary's economy changed fundamentally. In adapting to the new system, many hitherto unexperienced sectors have gained ground and occupied a worthy position in some segment of the economy. Along with the strengthening of the economy, some farmers have developed rural tourism by taking advantage of the tourist attraction of agriculture and creating a new sector. With our thesis we would like to prove, that the new, but already existing types of Short Supply System based on catering enterprises in Zala county are sustainable and has a significant place on the field. To demonstrate this, we made interviews with entrepreneurs and their suppliers. We examined what special difficulties do they have to vanquish to make their enterprises sustainable and operable. First and last, it seems that a new autonomous market segment is forming, that combines old traditions and new trends.





Agricultural Economy

How to Cite

Leader’s opinion about the connecting points Agriculture and Tourism within catering trade. (2020). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 24(2), 108-122. https://doi.org/10.31914/aak.2447