The effect of vegetable-oil supplement on a sturgeon hybrid's (Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus x Acipenser baeri Brandt) growing


  • Jenő Káldy
  • Eszter Zsédely
  • Ákos Szilágyi
  • László Szathmári


sturgeon hybrid, fish feed, vegetable-oil, body length, body weight


Successfull hybridization was made between sterlet and siberian sturgeon in the 1980's. This sturgeon hybrid was suitable for the Hungarian climate, adaptable and possessed good growing parameters. However, to become an economically important genus, the stocking time of this hybrid should be futher more reduced up to its genetic and physiologic limit. The aim of our experiment was to determine the portion of the vegetable-oil supplement, which would help to reduce the growing- and stocking time of this sturgeon hybrid and to revise its feed conversion. At the end of the 60 days experiment, the body length of controll fish were between 42–53 cm and they weighed 365–715 g body, and the lenght of the experimental animals was between 42–53 cm and they weight was 324–704 g. It can be stated, that there was no significant difference (P≥0.05) either between the growing or between the feed conversion and the condition of the two fish groups. Furthermore the 5% vegetable-oil supplement had a significant effect neither on the fish’ body weight no on their body length gain (P≥0,05), but a higher dose of fatty acid supplement might have a major effect both on the fish’ body weight and on their body length gain.



How to Cite

Káldy, J., Zsédely, E., Szilágyi, Ákos, & Szathmári, L. (2012). The effect of vegetable-oil supplement on a sturgeon hybrid’s (Acipenser ruthenus Linnaeus x Acipenser baeri Brandt) growing. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 16(1), 29-37.