Implementation of the Plantation Statistical GIS (ÃœST) at the HCSO


  • László Niklasz
  • László Pintér
  • Ádám Podolcsák


GIS, Hungarian Central Statistical Office, agricultural statistics, ÃœST


The Hungarian Central Statistical Office carried out a vineyard and fruit census in 2001. The processing and management of the results of the census was supported by a Phare project, the task of which was the planning and implementation of the necessary GIS. The GIS is known as ÃœST (Ãœltetvény Statisztikai Térinformatika - GIS for Plantation Statistics). The publication gives information about the tasks defined, the process of implementation, the achieved results and the outline of the future of ÃœST. The reader is also informed about the business procedures supported by ÃœST and its most important functions.



How to Cite

Niklasz, L., Pintér, L., & Podolcsák, Ádám. (2002). Implementation of the Plantation Statistical GIS (ÃœST) at the HCSO. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 6(3), 69-83.