Usefulness and possibilities of using the "co-operative identity" concept in economic analysis of co-operatives


  • G. Gábor Szabó Pannon University of Agriculture, Faculty of Animal Science, Institute of Economics and Organization,Kaposvár


co-operative theory, economics of co-operation, co-operative identity, co-operative principles, agriculture, the Netherlands


In order to derive the substance of co-operation from an economic aspect, it is necessary to propose a kind of interdisciplinary research and to emphasise the importance of the intersections of, as a starting point, the social sciences. It would be useful to extend research activities, including comprehensive theoretical overview, on the subject. Generally speaking, it is important and would be useful to cany out research on the cooperative identity according to each country and different branches and sectors of the economy in order to see the substance of co-operation from an economic aspect. In our future research process the "concept of the co-operative identity" could serve as a general theoretical background for the economic evaluation of co-operation. The elements of the "co-operative identity" are: the definition, the aims (purposes) and functions (roles) of the co-operative(s), as well as the co-operative principles, which are also main parts of the identity. In order to find the economic substance the aims (purposes) need to be distinguished from the functions (roles) of co-operatives. It is also worthwhile to analyse the connections between elements of the "co-operative identity" and also their relations to the "mental" and the "real" environment. The Dutch agricultural co-operation is a good example to show a sound andflexible identity.




How to Cite

Usefulness and possibilities of using the "co-operative identity" concept in economic analysis of co-operatives. (1997). ACTA AGRARIA KAPOSVARIENSIS, 1(1), 67-79.