Growth performance and carcass traits of Croatian multicoloured breed kids


  • Zvonimir Prpić
  • Ivan Vnučec
  • Boro Mioč
  • Vesna Pavić


growth performance, goat kid, carcass composition, carcass measurements, sex


The Croatian multicoloured goat is an autochthonous breed that belongs to a group of extensive Mediterranean breeds and represents the most of Croatian goat population. The aim of this paper was to evaluate growth potential, carcass traits and composition of male (36) and female (54) Croatian multicoloured breed kids. Kids were raised traditionally, on rangeland pasture from birth up to 24 kg live weight together with their mothers. Average birth weight of kids was 2.3 kg, daily gain 112 g, hot carcass weight 11.6 kg and dressing value 48.2%. Average percentage contribution to live weight of intestines was 31.5%, lungs and hearth 1.99%, liver 1.86%, spleen 0.28%, testicles 0.78%, skin and feet 9.25% and horns 0.48%. Daily gain, dressing value, percentage contribution of some organs (spleen, skin and feet, horns) to live weight, were significantly affected by gender. Male goat kids had significantly longer hind limb and deeper chest than female kids. Despite their relatively high average age at slaughter and low growth rates, Croatian multicoloured goat kids had satisfactory dressing percentage and carcass characteristics.




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Poster Section

Hogyan kell idézni

Prpić, Z., Vnučec, I., Mioč, B., & Pavić, V. (2010). Growth performance and carcass traits of Croatian multicoloured breed kids. Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 14(2), 267-272.