Body measures and indexes of the Holstein horses reared in Krizevci


  • Damir Alagić
  • Josip Seleš
  • Igor Seleš
  • Marija Meštrović


body measures, body indexes, horse breeding, Holstein horse, stud-farm


Breading of the Holstein horses in Krizevci started in 1980 by importing initial breeding material from domicile area in Germany. The aim of these studies was to establish body measures and indexes of the Holstein horses bred in Krizevci, separately for stallions and mares fully grown. The investigation was carried out on forty grown-up animals that were measured with standard aids. The body indexes were calculated on the basis of the obtained values which will serve as initial values for the future Holstein breed follow-up in Croatia and its impact on breeding of the Croatian sport horse.




Hogyan kell idézni

Body measures and indexes of the Holstein horses reared in Krizevci. (2002). Acta Agraria Kaposváriensis, 6(2), 125-130.