downtown open space design plan
Budafok-Downtown is the administrative Central of Budapest, District XXII. The district is the South-Western gate
of Budapest and enjoys a major role in the relationships among settlements in the agglomeration area/ However, Budafok-Downtown became known for different reasons. Fór somé, it is known as the Budapest train station on the way to Laké Balaton; fór others, the enormous block of flats on Leányka Street; or, fór yet others, fór its highly ornamented towers of Törley-Castle.
But this area offers a lot more.
lntegrated Urban Development Strategy - 2008-2013 Budafok-Tétény, Budapest XXII. kerület. Budapest, 2008.
http://epiteszforum.hu/node/12Q34 (2011. 03. oy.)
http://epiteszfomm.hu/node/12c1id (2011. 03. 07.)
Magyar Életrajzi Lexikon, http://mek.niif.hu/oonoo/ooi^/html/index.html (2011. 03. 07.)
Pogány Frigyes: Terek és utcák művészete, Budapest, 1954.
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