Inventing Urbanity Ajka
Competition Site And Its Problems
Ajka city center, Industrial townAbstract
The site of the Hungárián competition of Europan 10 was the commercial and administrative centre of Ajka, where
besides restructuring the existing spatial system, the task was to create an architectural and environmental character, that fulfills the expectations of the 21st century,
bút at the same time re-evaluates the elements of the architecture of the 1970s.
Palatium Stúdió Kft: Ajka, Városközpont - Fejlesztési koncepció; 2004 tervét,
Tilhof Endre, Szelényi Károly, Sz. Farkas Aranka: Ajka; Magyar Képek, Veszprém - Budapest, 2000 kiadványát.
Sustainable city and new public spaces, The Eurapan 9 results catalogue, Edition Europan, July 2008
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