'Retroparks' Landscape architectural works of the functionalist period of the 1960s and 70s


  • Eszter Karlóczainé Bakay Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Garden and Open Space Design


Retroparks, functionalist, 1960s, 70s


Retro is trendy again. The young generation rediscovering the music, fashion, furniture, design motifs of 40 - 50 years ago. However, even though we also see a renaissance of the late modernist period of the 6os and 70s S in contemporary architecture, the parks and open spaces dated from this period seem to be untouched by this trend. The landscapes of the era are disappearing or changing day by day, but still many parks,urban squares wear the style and formal appearance of the 1960s and 70s. Unfortunately, these open spaces are usually very rundown and dreary, but if we are able to see past the lack of maintenance, their hidden values can be realized, and one can have a glimpse into the practice and methods of the landscape design and construction of that time. If these modernist works were to disappear, our public spaces would become less versatile, from a visual point of view more uniform.

Author Biography

  • Eszter Karlóczainé Bakay , Corvinus University of Budapest, Department for Garden and Open Space Design

    assistant lecturer
    E-mail: eszter.bakay@uni-corvinus.hu


Dalanyi Laszlo: Korszerű lakonegyed in: Kiacz Gyorgy (szerk.): a Fővarosi Kerteszet szaz eve, 103., 104. old.

Gulacsi Bela: Taj - varos – zoldfelulet in: Kiacz Gyorgy (szerk.): a Fővarosi kerteszet szaz eve, Mezőgazd. kiado, 1967

Kiacz Gyorgy Uj torekvesek in: Kiacz Gyorgy (szerk.): a Fővarosi Kerteszet szaz eve, p 5 7

Preisich G.: Budapest városépítésének története 1 9 4 5 - 1 9 9 0

Szilagyi K.: A budapesti zoldfeluleti rendszer ertekelese es fejlesztesenek lehetősegei. Doktori disszertacio, Budapest, 1986. p. 72.

Szendrői József: Városi kertek költségmérlege in: Kiácz György (szerk.): a Fővárosi Kertészet száz éve és Kiácz- Szendrői: A zöldfelületek fenntartása







How to Cite

’Retroparks’ Landscape architectural works of the functionalist period of the 1960s and 70s. (2010). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 18, 34-53. https://journal.uni-mate.hu/index.php/4D/article/view/6017