Conceptual open space design of Március 15. square, Budapest


  • Dániel Varga Corvinus University of Budapest Dept. of Garden and Openspace Design / s73 Ltd.



Budapest, public space planning, Március 15. square


The renewal of the city open spaces, as well as the reconsideration of the relationship between the above
mentioned, is one of the most important tasks of the complex city rehabilitation. Reconsideration, which is needed in order to fulfil the modem people’s demands and requirements of a given city section. The city centre
in Budapest is an emphasized scene of the city rehabilitation concept, nowadays. My thesis deals with
the redefinition of the open space architecture regarding one of the most outstanding elements in the city centre, that of the Március 15 Square. In doing the planning work, I was trying to give somé professional answers to the arisen questions regarding both the present usage necessities and the structures formed by history.

Author Biography

  • Dániel Varga, Corvinus University of Budapest Dept. of Garden and Openspace Design / s73 Ltd.

    PhD Student



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How to Cite

Conceptual open space design of Március 15. square, Budapest. (2009). 4D Journal of Landscape Architecture and Garden Art, 13, 14-23.