Construction and Reconstruction in the Story of the Adult Education Between the Two World Wars


  • Anita Belovári Kaposvári Egyetem PK, Felnőttképzési Tanszék


The study analyses the text of a 1945 adult education meeting. The meeting closed down and transformed the adult education practice of the Horthy era. The study reveals the participants’ role in the adult education of the past decades. He goes into detail about their motivation. What kind of techniques they apply to the refinement of the past in the interest of this. He details on a what kind of manner they apply the practice of the historical construction.

Author Biography

  • Anita Belovári, Kaposvári Egyetem PK, Felnőttképzési Tanszék



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How to Cite

Construction and Reconstruction in the Story of the Adult Education Between the Two World Wars. (2009). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 7(1-2), 106-113.