The Starts of Conversational Competencein Infant and Early Childhood
The aim of the paper is to present the evolution of conversational competence on the basis of a spontaneous textual corpus including mother-children conversations in a functional theoretical framework. After a short and general description of functional linguistics the second part presents a theoretical introduction to the acquisition of mother tongue. The forth part discusses the material and methods of the research: shows the features of the examined textual corpus, and displays the conversation analysis as the methodological framework of the paper. The next part goes into details through the analysis of textual corpus. This analysis tries to find the answers to the following questions: (1) How can the mother help the development of the conversational ability of her child with her communicative competence? (2) When do children start to use the following conversational strategies: turn-taking, self-selection, other-selection, sequence organization, interpolated sequence, side-sequence, organization of repair, other-initiated repair, self-initiated repair, overlapping?
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