The Dilemmas of Teaching Literature Discovered in Empirical Research


  • Zsuzsanna Tölgyessy


In 2010 and 2011 I observed the teaching of literature in the higher classes of nonselective high schools in Esztergom. During that period I worked with questionnaires which requested information from parents, teachers and students. Interviews were held with 26 Hungarian teachers regarding their aims and methods in teaching literature, and I also made an actometric record for each of their lessons. This was compared with the opinions previously expressed by the teachers in the interviews. During my research I took particular care of noting the teaching methods and aids used, including the way and how the content of the present level was reached by teachers and students, signs of cooperation, use of educational drama, and methods of presentation; all this during the course of a lesson.


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How to Cite

The Dilemmas of Teaching Literature Discovered in Empirical Research. (2012). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 10(1-2), 159-169.