The Possibility of Developing and Measuring Creative Self-expression in Visual Education

Bálványos Huba emlékére


  • Ida Pajorné Kugelbauer


Part of visual education is self expression, which means personal communication. The National Curriculum and Framework Curriculums stipulate the requirements for development in this area also. Similar to other competences, the objective measuring of the results of the visual skill development became justified. Based on the results of the measuring process we can draw our conclusions for further developmental assignments.
In my presentation I am going to introduce two tests which are aimed at measuring the selfl-expressing ability: a visual self-expression exercise applied among 9-10 year-olds published by Endre Sipos (2003). In my own research I measured the selfl-expression abilities of 10-14 year-olds by using Clark ’s Drawing Abilities Test. The location was the ,,Pesthidegkúti” Waldorf School in Budapest and two other institutions as control institutes.
Endre Sipos (2003): The importance of measuring: about the development of 9-10 year-old children’s visual selfl-expressing abilities in the light of test results 1-3, Tanító, 41/4. 24–25., 41/5. 24., 41/6. 14–15.
Endre Sipos (2003): The creative self-expression as the result of complex pedagogical labor. Tanító, 41/7. 24.


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How to Cite

The Possibility of Developing and Measuring Creative Self-expression in Visual Education: Bálványos Huba emlékére. (2012). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 10(1-2), 110-127.