Gypsy Kids in The Captivity of Gadjo Time


  • Boglárka Bíró


The different socialization patterns of children in gipsy families lead to learning and assimilation problems at school and in nursery. ln course of the primer socialization, gypsy children learn values, norms and viewpoints which later make them capable of maintaining their own gypsy culture and preserving their cultural values. However, this pattern does not promote gypsy children’s progress at school. One of the apparent consequences of the differences between the primer patterns of gipsy culture and the school socialization is the failure of gipsy students at school. While the similarity between institutional culture and family pattern helps integration. the dissimilar pattern obstructs it. In traditional gipsy culture time has a different meaning and also there is a different attitude toward it then in gadjo culture. This provokes lots of conflicts as neither of the two parties are aware of the two types of time treat structures.


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How to Cite

Gypsy Kids in The Captivity of Gadjo Time. (2012). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 10(3-4), 132-139.