The Collapse of Education and Discipline

Dezső Kosztolányi: Aranysárkány [The Golden Kite]


  • Erika Bence Újvidéki Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kar, Szabadka


The novel Aranysárkány (The Golden Kite) by Dezső Kosztolányi serves as the scene to an existential catastrophe brought about by a set of habits, wishes and symbols of a small-town environment: there unfolds a story of the personal, family and professional failure and tragedy of dr. Antal Novák, high-school teacher and thunderstorm-monitor. The study aims to reveal the possible causal relations of this process of collapse, to outline the motivational set, as well as to interpret the motifs; at the same time, it presents the novel as a specific educational and developmental one, portraying the main character Antal Novák as a teacher/educator.


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How to Cite

The Collapse of Education and Discipline: Dezső Kosztolányi: Aranysárkány [The Golden Kite]. (2014). Training and Practice : Journal of Educational Sciences, 12(1-2), 5-21.