Requirements for the management of protected areas according to the UNESCO World Heritage Convention and IUCN categories


  • Alexandra Kruse Bureau of Landscape & Services, Fuchskaule 10, D-51491 Overath, Germany
  • Bernd Paulowitz HisGIS, Le Petit Bouchet, 41170 Choue, France
  • Helmut Kruckenberg Tournatur, Am Steigbügel 3, D-27283 Verden/Aller, Germany



Management, Management plan, UNESCO World Heritage Convention, IUCN, nature conservation, protected area management, national parks


Methodological and standardized management requirements for protected areas have become a central issue in nature conservation over the last years. The article takes a closer look on the current international standards laid out by the World Heritage Convention for natural sites and by IUCN for protected areas. Both actors play a central role in the way we approach and deal with protected areas globally. Both are influenced by local developments, local management cultures and still have to have a global approach. The goal is to examine how the World Heritage community has tackled these problems and in which form it is today adapting to current developments. The first part lays out the management principles for the UNESCO Natural World Heritage properties according to the overarching goal of protecting the Outstanding Universal Value (OUV) of a site. Part two summarises the management principles of protected nature reserves following the IUCN categories. Their aim is to protect (and conserve) nature with its ecosystems, species, biodiversity etc. The conclusion reflects on management of protected nature sites in general and how the two above examined concepts interrelate.

Biografia do Autor

  • Alexandra Kruse, Bureau of Landscape & Services, Fuchskaule 10, D-51491 Overath, Germany

  • Bernd Paulowitz, HisGIS, Le Petit Bouchet, 41170 Choue, France

  • Helmut Kruckenberg, Tournatur, Am Steigbügel 3, D-27283 Verden/Aller, Germany


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Como Citar

Requirements for the management of protected areas according to the UNESCO World Heritage Convention and IUCN categories. (2009). TÁJÖKÖLÓGIAI LAPOK | JOURNAL OF LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY , 7(1), 209-227.

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